
National Teacher’s Day in Indonesia

C. & P. with Sekapur Sirih Dancers at the National Teacher’s Day (Hari Guru Nasional)

(Hari Guru Nasional)

On Tuesday, November 27th we attended the National Teacher’s Day ceremony in the village of Mudung Darat. The ceremony was conducted at the National High School #6 (SMA N 6). The ceremony consisted of prayers, greetings and speeches by dignitaries, singing, music, and traditional dances.

We made the below video of the event.


Many mosques in Indonesia start schools for private religious education. A madrasah is one such type of school. Another type is a pesantren. One difference between the two schools is that a pesantren has boarding for the students, and usually a madrasah does not (though we have seen some that do).

Madrasah Nurul Islam

Madrasah Nurul Islam
Madrasah Nurul Islam was started in 1915. Two other schools, Madrasah Nurul Iman, as well as Pondok Pesantren Sa’adatuddaren, claim to have started the same year, and they are all located in a 1 mile radius.


Madrasah Nurul Iman

Madrasah Nurul Iman. Located in the City of Jambi, on the north side of the Batang Hari River.

This madrasah (Islamic school) was founded in 1915 by a man from Saudi Arabia and is reputed to be the oldest in the Jambi Province. The school is private, and it has elementary (Diniyah, or / SD), Jr. High (Sanaliyah / SMP), and High School (Aliyah / SMA) classes. The H.S. and Jr. High students attend in the morning and the elementary students attend in the afternoon.


Front of the original Jambi University

The original Jambi University is located close to the city center. The exact location can be found by clicking this link.


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